Source code for catcher.steps.check

from abc import abstractmethod

from catcher.steps.step import Step, update_variables, SERVICE_KEYS
from catcher.utils.logger import debug
from catcher.utils.misc import fill_template, fill_template_str
from catcher.utils.module_utils import get_all_subclasses_of

[docs]class Operator(object): def __init__(self, body: dict, negative=False) -> None: self.subject = body self.negative = negative @property def body(self) -> any: return self.__class__.__name__.lower()
[docs] @abstractmethod def operation(self, variables: dict) -> bool: pass
[docs] @staticmethod def find_operator(source: dict or str) -> 'Operator': if isinstance(source, str): operator_str = 'equals' else: [operator_str] = source.keys() operators = get_all_subclasses_of(Operator) named = dict([(o.__name__.lower(), o) for o in operators]) if operator_str not in named: raise RuntimeError('No ' + operator_str + ' available') cls = named[operator_str] return cls(source)
[docs]class Equals(Operator): """ Fail if elements are not equal :Input: :the: value :is: variable to compare :is_not: inverted `is`. Only one can be used at a time. :Examples: Check 'bar' equals variable 'foo' :: check: {equals: {the: 'bar', is: '{{ foo }}'}} Check list's third element is not greater than 2. :: check: {equals: {the: '{{ list[2] > 2 }}', is_not: true}} """
[docs] def operation(self, variables: dict) -> bool: if isinstance(self.subject, str): subject = fill_template(self.subject, variables) source = True else: body = self.subject[self.body] if isinstance(body, str): body = Equals.to_long_form(body, True) subject = fill_template(body['the'], variables) source = fill_template(self.determine_source(body), variables) result = source == subject if self.negative: result = not result if not result: debug(str(source) + ' is not equal to ' + str(subject)) return result
[docs] def determine_source(self, body: dict): if 'is' in body: return body['is'] self.negative = True return body['is_not']
[docs] @staticmethod def to_long_form(source: any, value: any): return {'the': source, 'is': value}
[docs]class Contains(Operator): """ Fail if list of dictionary doesn't contain the value :Input: :the: value to contain :in: variable to check :not_in: inverted `in`. Only one can be used at a time. :Examples: Check 'a' not in variable 'list' :: check: contains: {the: 'a', not_in: '{{ list }}'} Check variable 'dict' has key `a`. :: check: contains: {the: 'a', in: '{{ dict }}'} """
[docs] def operation(self, variables: dict): body = self.subject[self.body] source = fill_template(self.determine_source(body), variables) subject = fill_template(body['the'], variables) if isinstance(source, str): result = str(subject) in source else: result = subject in source if self.negative: result = not result if not result: debug(str(subject) + ' is not in ' + str(source)) return result
[docs] def determine_source(self, body: dict): if 'in' in body: return body['in'] self.negative = True return body['not_in']
[docs] @staticmethod def to_long_form(source: any, value: any): return {'the': source, 'in': value}
[docs]class And(Operator): """ Fail if any of the conditions fails. :Input: The list of other checks. :Examples: This is the same as `1 in list and list[1] != 'b' and list[2] > 2` :: check: and: - contains: {the: 1, in: '{{ list }}'} - equals: {the: '{{ list[1] }}', is_not: 'b'} - equals: {the: '{{ list[2] > 2 }}', is_not: true} """ @property def end(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def operation(self, variables) -> bool: operators = self.subject[self.body] # or or and for operator in operators: next_operation = Operator.find_operator(operator) if next_operation.operation(variables) == self.end: return self.end return True
[docs]class Or(And): """ Fail if all conditions fail. :Input: The list of other checks. :Examples: This is the same as `1 in list or list[1] != 'b' or list[2] > 2` :: check: or: - contains: {the: 1, in: '{{ list }}'} - equals: {the: '{{ list[1] }}', is_not: 'b'} - equals: {the: '{{ list[2] > 2 }}', is_not: true} """ @property def end(self): return True
[docs]class All(Operator): """ Fail if any check on the iterable fail. :Input: :of: The source to check. Can be list or dictionary. :<check>: Check to perform on each element of the iterable. :Examples: Pass if all elements of `var` has `k` == `a` :: check: all: of: '{{ var }}' equals: {the: '{{ ITEM.k }}', is: 'a'} """
[docs] def operator(self, data): return all(data)
[docs] def operation(self, variables) -> bool: body = self.subject[self.body] source = fill_template(body['of'], variables) if isinstance(source, list): elements = source elif isinstance(source, dict): elements = source.items() else: debug(str(source) + ' not iterable') return False results = [] for element in elements: oper_body = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in body.items() if k != 'of']) [next_operator] = oper_body.keys() if not isinstance(oper_body[next_operator], dict): # terminator in short form if next_operator == 'equals': oper_body[next_operator] = Equals.to_long_form('{{ ITEM }}', oper_body[next_operator]) if next_operator == 'contains': oper_body[next_operator] = Contains.to_long_form('{{ ITEM }}', oper_body[next_operator]) next_operation = Operator.find_operator(oper_body) variables['ITEM'] = element results.append(next_operation.operation(variables)) return self.operator(results)
[docs]class Any(All): """ Fail if all checks on the iterable fail. :Input: :of: The source to check. Can be list or dictionary. :<check>: Check to perform on each element of the iterable. :Examples: Fail if `var` doesn't contain element with `k` == `a` :: check: any: of: '{{ var }}' equals: {the: '{{ ITEM.k }}', is: 'a'} """
[docs] def operator(self, data): return any(data)
[docs]class Check(Step): """ Run check and fail if it was not successful. There are two types of checks: terminators and nodes. Terminators like `equals` or `contains` just perform checks while nodes contain like `all`, `any`, `or` and others contain other checks. Check has a short form :: check: '{{ variable }}' which equals :: check: equals: {the: '{{ variable }}', is: true} """ def __init__(self, _body=None, **kwargs: dict) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if _body: self.subject = _body else: [subject] = [{k: v} for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in SERVICE_KEYS and not k.startswith('_')] self.subject = subject
[docs] @update_variables def action(self, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> dict: operator = Operator.find_operator(self.subject) if not operator.operation(variables): raise RuntimeError('operation ' + fill_template_str(self.subject, variables) + ' failed') return variables