catcher.modules package


catcher.modules module

class catcher.modules.compose.DockerCompose(resources_dir)[source]

Bases: catcher.modules.Module

Docker-compose module:

Will automatically run docker-compose up -d before your test and down after it if this module was enabled and you have docker-compose.yml file in your directory.

Enable this module:
  • run pip install catcher[compose]. It will installs all requirements, if they were not installed.
after(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run after tests execution

before(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Will run docker-compose up -d only in case docker-compose is installed locally and there is a docker-compose.yml file in resources directory

filter_resource(file: str) → bool[source]

Module contents

class catcher.modules.Module(resources)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

after(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run after tests execution

before(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run before tests execution

filter_resource(file: str) → bool[source]
find_resource_file() → Optional[str][source]

find a file inside a resources directory